How much public sector spends

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
Salaries 1 447 322 2 183
Goods and Services 1 157 258 1 746
Interest 316 70 478
Subsidies 570 127 860
Grants 238 53 360
Social Care 2 817 627 4 251
Other expenditures 1 306 291 1 972
Capital expenditures 1 148 256 1 733
Lending 218 49 329
Covering debts 627 140 946
Total 9 845 2 192 14 858

How much public sector collects

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
Taxes 7 213 1 606 10 886
Income Taxes 1 895 422 2 860
Profit Tax 912 203 1 376
VAT 3 274 729 4 941
Excise Taxes 739 165 1 115
Import Tax 100 22 151
Property Tax 267 60 404
Other taxes 25 6 38
Grants 147 33 222
Other Revenues 575 128 867
Revenues from privatization 128 29 194
Receiving back loans 71 16 107
Borrowing 1 636 364 2 469
Total receipts of public sector 9 770 2 176 14 745

What local budgets pay for

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
General Public Services 2 0 3
Defense 5 1 8
Order and Security 18 4 28
Economic affairs 74 17 117
Environment Protection 30 7 47
Housing/Communal 55 12 88
Healthcare 5 1 8
Leisure, Culture, Religion 69 15 108
Education 53 12 83
Social Care 27 6 43
Following table illustrates the size of the total spending of the local budgets
Total 338 76 534

How much we owe

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
New debt in 2014 1 636 364 2 469
Domestic Debt 2 626 1 949 3 963
Foreign Debt 8 752 585 13 209
Total public debt 11 378 2 534 17 172