How much public sector spends

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
Salaries 1 136 254 1 798
Goods and Services 1 211 271 1 916
Interest 291 65 460
Subsidies 426 95 674
Grants 101 23 160
Social Care 1 656 370 2 619
Other expenditures 1 057 236 1 672
Capital expenditures 1 484 332 2 347
Lending 433 97 685
Covering debts 199 45 315
Total 7 993 1 788 12 647

How much public sector collects

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
Taxes 6 134 1 373 9 706
Income Tax 1 551 347 2 454
Profit Tax 832 186 1 317
Value Added Tax 2 784 623 4 406
Excise 615 138 973
Custom Tax 93 21 147
Property Tax 220 49 349
Other nonclassified Taxes 38 9 61
Grants 223 50 353
Other revenue 613 137 970
Revenues from privatization 285 64 450
Receiving back loans 84 19 132
Borrowing 735 165 1 164
Total receipts of public sector 8 074 1 807 12 775

What local budgets pay for

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
General Public Services 264 59 417
Defense 7 2 11
Order and Security 45 10 71
Economic affairs 225 50 356
Environment Protection 81 18 128
Housing/Communal 274 61 434
Healthcare 40 9 64
Leisure, Culture, Religion 161 36 254
Education 134 30 212
Social Care 162 36 256
Following table illustrates the size of the total spending of the local budgets
Total 1 392 312 2 203

How much we owe

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
New debt in 2011 735 164 1 163
Domestic Debt 1 870 418 2 959
Foreign Debt 7 016 1 570 11 102
Total public debt 8 889 1 989 14 065