How much public sector spends

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
Salaries 1 371 306 2 068
Goods and Services 1 086 242 1 639
Interest 317 71 479
Subsidies 469 105 708
Grants 478 106 721
Social Care 2 468 551 3 725
Other expenditures 1 345 300 2 030
Capital expenditures 1 023 228 1 543
Lending 232 52 350
Covering debts 568 127 857
Total 9 356 2 087 14 120

How much public sector collects

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
Taxes 7 244 1 616 10 932
Income Taxes 1 916 427 2 892
Profit Tax 924 206 1 395
VAT 3 402 759 5 134
Excise Taxes 663 148 1 001
Import Tax 104 23 157
Property Tax 209 47 316
Other taxes 25 6 38
Grants 203 45 306
Other Revenues 446 99 673
Revenues from privatization 133 30 201
Receiving back loans 36 8 54
Borrowing 868 194 1 310
Total receipts of public sector 8 930 1 992 13 477

What local budgets pay for

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
General Public Services 264 59 417
Defense 7 2 11
Order and Security 45 10 71
Economic affairs 225 50 356
Environment Protection 81 18 128
Housing/Communal 274 61 434
Healthcare 40 9 64
Leisure, Culture, Religion 161 36 254
Education 134 30 212
Social Care 162 36 256
Following table illustrates the size of the total spending of the local budgets
Total 1 392 312 2 203

How much we owe

mil. GEL Per capita Per employed
New debt in 2013 868 194 1 310
Domestic Debt 2 026 1 684 3 058
Foreign Debt 7 552 452 11 398
Total public debt 9 578 2 136 14 455